Increase Brand Equity
Through Brand Management
Your company’s future depends in large part on its brand equity; a combination of both the real and the perceived value of your brand name(s).
Your ability to raise capital, grow your business, attract quality employees and create a thriving, profitable organization will be built on your brand equity.
MMS::Maven Marketing Solutions makes increasing that equity a primary goal. Components of brand equity include:
- Earnings
- Awareness
- Brand loyalty and customer satisfaction
- Perceived quality of your product or service
- Strong associations with your brand
- Positioning vis-à-vis your competition
- Trade relationships
- Trademarks, patents and copyrights
Your brand is nothing less than your most valuable asset. It is not just your brand name, but is the sum total of all the attributes, expectations and beliefs your customers associate with your product or service and serves as your stake in the ground, claiming rights to your value proposition. Creating, nurturing, extending and protecting that brand is vital to the equity and sustainability of your business, as it is a source of market power, competitive leverage and higher returns – why would you leave your brand strategy to chance?
At MMS::Maven Marketing Solutions, we address branding not as a set of activities, but a strategic point of view that informs the marketing strategy.
Existing Brands
For existing brands, we begin – as always – with defining the goal, which at the very least would include increasing awareness and perceived value, then assess the current brand culture, the competitive environment and industry attributes before recommending a strategy to engineer the brand toward our agreed-upon goal.
Recommendations may include changes or new initiatives in one or several of the following, all of which contribute to your brand equity:
- Product/service design or quality
- Product/service delivery
- Packaging
- Pricing/promotions
- Positioning
- Channel/retail policies
- Website and social media
- Sales process
- Public relations strategy
- Advertising strategy
- Trademark & protection strategy
New Brands
A few successful brands may have been produced by throwing names in a hat and choosing the winner with the help of a couple of six-packs.
However, the majority of great brands were created with a branding strategy as the blueprint, assessing the projected competitive environment as well as the desired positioning and attributes of the new brand, prior to the creative process.
MMS can create new brands as a collaborative process with you and your team or separately, as you prefer. As your ability to protect that brand will be key to long-term success, we put our trademark and brand extension experience to work for you and will recommend an appropriate plan.