Each year in mid-March, visitors from around the world descend upon Austin, TX for the South By Southwest (SXSW) conference featuring film, interactive media, and music festivals.

The city of Austin is a buzz with activity in every corner, and the positive vibe is tangible and indescribable — fun, happy, open, busy, surprising, loud, funky, crazy, goofy, fun, fun, fun.  Movie stars, musicians, politicians, writers, prominent business people all mingling together towards the one goal – celebrating art, provoking thought, learning, and mostly using positive energy to move forward with solutions.

It starts quietly with Education and Film, picks up speed about mid-way (around the 11th or so) , and then explodes into music all over the city (everywhere there is a patio or space for a band, there is live music, seriously) through Sat the 16th.

For locals, it means navigating around a hassle of 500k people in the downtown area.  But it also means we get the chance to experience true diversity of people from different cultures and languages which I personally love.  You can spot the hipsters from New York a mile a way, and I could people watch all day. That, combined with the fact that you can walk all over the city and find a great (and free) live music, food, and meet new, happy people — SXSW is a great experience.

The cool thing is, you can also avoid the crowds by streaming many of the keynote speakers/presentations, as well as some of the live music performances. To learn more, visit www.sxsw.com and perhaps you’ll find a new favorite band, author and personality. Either way, we wish the positive vibes of SXSW upon you and hope you will find a way to celebrate in your own special way.


All photos provided by the Austin Chronicle: https://www.austinchronicle.com/photos/photos-from-day-4-of-sxsw-2019/1/